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The Hispanic Professionals Networking Groups seeks to increase the visibility of Hispanic business professionals by fostering a great unity through networking opportunities. NEW YORK * MIAMI

Thursday, December 28, 2006

LISTA's 3 Kings Fiesta Navidena


You are cordially invited to attend Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association's celebration of 3 King's Day.

JANUARY 4, 2006
6:30PM – 11:30 PM

609 w 29th street
(btwn. 11th and 12th Aves.)
New York , NY


Anna Carbonell
VP Community Relations
Lifetime Achievement Award 2007


Adolfo Carrion
Bronx Borough President
LISTA Government Advocate Award 2007

Sponsored by:
UBS, IBM, STAPLES, RCN, NBC/Telemundo, Sprint, Microsoft, Sanchez Bodden Lerner, Lehman Brothers, Nielsen Media Research, SBA, Hispanic Business Magazine, Moving Forward Magazine, Southwest, Greater NY Chamber of Commerce, Verizon, WHCC, USHCC, USHAA, NYS Federation of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, SOL, Velvetlist, Hispanic PR Wire, and LatinVision.

Come Celebrate our Food, Heritage, and music!

Food and Beverages will be served.

To Register: CLICK HERE

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Toys For Tots

HPNG salutes the always charitable Rev. Carmen Hernandez for hosting her annual toy drive in 'da Bronx.

If you can't make it, but want to donate a toy, drop by the Falu Foundation on E. 118th St and feel warm and fuzzy for your charitable actions.

Info below from Rev. Carmen's Evite:

Stratford Community Services 5th Annual Toy Drive @ Cue Lounge

Rev. Carmen Hernandez

Cue Lounge1107 Gunhill Avenue
Bronx, NY

Wednesday, December 20th


No cover if you bring toy donation or $10 at the door without toy donation. Plus all donators will receive a card for two hours of free pool time plus open bar from 7:00 pm till 8:00 pm.

Come and join us as we network and have fun at the same time. Special thanks to Joe from Cue Lounge for donating his place for us this year to have our toy drive.

Also, I wanted a very special thanks to Mr. Rey Falu for letting us use his place of business so those who live or work in the NYC area can drop off toys.

The location is The Falu Foundation, 333 East 118th Street, New York, NY (btwn 2nd & 3rd Aves.) Make sure you mark them for SCS KIDS.

Another place to drop off toys is at:

Stratford Community Services
1471 Watson Avenue, Suite 5E
Bronx, NY

Ali Curi I want to thank you as well for being so supportive. (awwwww....) And as always our regular sponsors Inca Kola, Macys, Ponce De Leon Bank and LISTA, thank you for being there for us.

Our main party to give out the toys will be January 6, 2006 location TBD.

See you all tonight!

in His Love,

Rev. Carmen Hernandez
President/Founder/Youth Community Pastor of SCS

Friday, December 15, 2006

Avoid This Type of Networking

From the Duct Tape Marketing Blog by Dr. Ivan Misner and Patrick Carney

Avoid This Type of Networking

In our more than two decades of developing business networks and coaching networkers, we've noticed some very different styles of networking. One of these styles, which results in the ground smoking wherever these networkers tread, we call "scorched earth networking." Let's talk a little about this style, so you understand how important it is to avoid this type of networking in cultivating a successful business networking model.

Just what are the hallmarks of a scorched-earth Networker? Experience has shown us that this type of Networker...

1. Moves from networking group to networking group, constantly dissatisfied with the quality and quantity of referrals they get from each. The scorched-earth Networker doesn't stay in one place long enough to build the type of relationships it takes to really capitalize on networking.

It's like planting an apple tree in one spot, not being satisfied with the tree's growth after a matter of days, uprooting it and expecting it to grow faster in another spot. When the growth isn't happening fast enough in the new spot, the tree is uprooted yet again and replanted. Every time that tree is uprooted, it takes longer to build itself back up to even where it was before it was moved. A serious Networker understands that in order for that tree to grow a bumper crop of apples, it needs to be cared for right where it is.

2. Talks more than listens. If you meet someone who talks on and on about their services, what they can provide for you, how they can help you increase your bottom line and so on--and doesn't seem genuinely interested in your business, what you do and what you need--chances are you've just met a scorched-earth Networker! A serious Networker will want to learn all about you, what your professional goals are, and how they can play a part in helping you accomplish those goals.

3. Doesn't "honor the event," or networks at inappropriate opportunities. There's something to be said about constantly looking for an opportunity to develop a business relationship, but a serious Networker is always aware of how that networking comes across. You've seen the scorched-earth Networker, for instance, wanting to do business and passing out business cards at a church function, funeral or other inappropriate event. The key to networking at all times is to do it in a way that's appropriate. While it can be entirely appropriate to begin a relationship at such an event as a wedding or a funeral, going around looking for an opportunity to pass out your business cards isn't the right way to do that!

4. Thinks that being "highly visible" is enough to make business flow his way. In my co-author’s book, Business by Referral, he talks about the VCP factor: visibility, credibility and profitability. The more you're seen in the business community (visibility), the more you become known and trusted (credible). The problem with the scorched-earth Networker is that they seem to think that anything they do that makes them visible is beneficial. But that's just not so. As people begin to trust you, seeing that you're dependable, honest and outwardly motivated as opposed to selfish and demanding, they then begin to refer you to others. This is when you'll see more business referrals coming in (profitability).

5. Expects others to be consistently referring them. When they're considering developing their social capital, the scorched-earth Networker expects that this means finding a source of referrals who's dependable and constant. This is a "get" mentality. Scorched-earth networkers view networking as a transaction, not a relationship. Wayne Baker calls this negative type of networking "coin operated networking"--you put something in and get something back right away. Serious networkers understand that developing strong social capital means that your focus is on what you can give to your inner circle. There's a law of reciprocity and synergy that can't be denied when you focus on giving referrals to those around you. Think about how you feel when someone refers you to another person. You feel driven to repay the favor likewise.

Scorched-earth networking doesn't work, because building your business through word-of-mouth is about cultivating relationships with people who get to know you and trust you. People do business with people they have confidence in. One of the most important things I've learned in the past two decades is this: It's not what you know, or who you know--it's how well you know them that counts. If you go into this process understanding this one key point, you'll have a better opportunity to build your business through word-of-mouth.

As you network, look around at what you leave behind. Are you creating relationships by building your social capital (farming, as opposed to hunting), or are you leaving a scorched earth and many bodies in your wake?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

We All Have Something to Offer

I was at my friend Brian's birthday dinner last weekend and ran into Susana [not her real name] whom I only see once a year, at Brian's yearly birthday dinner.

Susana (an HPNG member) said, "sorry I haven't been to the networking events but I don't feel I have anything to offer. "

gasp! What?! Susana works for a huge entertainment company as their PR Director. Nothing to offer? I said, "sharing advice, tips, stories (even bad ones) are always helpful to others."

Networking is not only for developing leads for sales. A network, like your friends, are a resource, a sounding board and sometimes a reality check. A good network is built over time and developed through trust. The sales will happen if, like a friend, you're trusted and you have what they need.

This doesn't mean everyone in the network will become your buddy. But for those with whom you've developed relationships over time, it can mean that you're a solid, reputable person that one can do business with.

We ALL have something to offer.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

You Oughtta be in Pictures!

The Producers of Juan Bago and Truth bring you Nuestra Vida. A Latin Drama due out in 2007 at the Film Festival Route.

Two Latinos from Brooklyn, a drug dealer and an office copywriter, which have grown up together learn about life and themselves when they get into a fight and go their own way. They stop relying on each other and start living their own lives.

If you'd like to be in the film....Mike Diaz and his crew are filming a big club scene next Monday (12/18) through Wed (12/20) from 2 pm to 8 pm In Queens. They need A LOT of extras.

Address: Parrot - 123-07 liberty Ave. Queens NY
Dress code: anything you wear to the club
Gender/Age: 20-and up any race and gender

There will be food and drinks. Please contact Michael Diaz at MichaelDiaz@HeightsEntertainment.com for confirmation or questions

I'm ready for my close-up Mike...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Thanks for a Great Year!

As the year draws to an end, I can't help but to feel a certain sadness for the days that have now passed us by. It's been a great year for HPNG, but as they often do, things change and we move on to the next challenge.

First of all, I'd like to thank all the HPNG speakers of 2006 who shared their knowledge and inspiration. In one way or another, they motivated us to seek a higher ground, as Latinos and as professionals. To all the new people I met this year, thanks for your support, your ideas and yes, even your criticism. And of course, to the longtime HPNG supporters, thanks for keeping me sharp.

If you forgot who all spoke this year or didn't get a chance to attend an event, just pop by the HPNG events page and take a quick trip down 2006 memory lane.

2007 is just around the corner and we've got great things planned for you. You will see a membership format that will offer career management and financial planning workshops, career coaching by Rod Colon and other tools so you can move forward with the next step in your career. It's my personal commitment to you to have HPNG be the platform you can count on to continue to grow as a Latino professional.

The most inspiring phrase I read this year was, "you become what you believe you are."

What do you believe you are...?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Latin Night with the Nets

Many thanks to Tony Herbert and the Professionals Network Organization for having HPNG be part of their spectacular event last night. Much fun was had by all :-) and we look forward to doing it again, soon.

Also, special thanks to Porcao, Stoli and North Fork Bank for their support.

Mr. Jaime Ponce of the Nets tells me Jon Secada will be performing at Halftime at the Monday, Dec. 11th game (Nets vs. Memphis Grizzlies). That night's game is presented by Goya with a Latin-themed night. Contact Jaime for more info. (201-806-7276). GO NETS!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

HPNG 2006 Holiday Mixer

HPNG and The Professionals Network Organization, cordially invite you, your friends and colleagues to join us for the 2006 HOLIDAY MIXER.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006
6pm - 10pm

360 Park Avenue South (@ 26th St)


free to attend - cash bar

Click HERE to RSVP

You and your guests' names must be on the rsvp list in order to get in to The Holiday Mixer

Many thanks to our 2006 Holiday Mixer host: