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The Hispanic Professionals Networking Groups seeks to increase the visibility of Hispanic business professionals by fostering a great unity through networking opportunities. NEW YORK * MIAMI

Monday, April 27, 2009

HPNG Invites You to A Free Career Management Conference Call - Wed. April 29th

HPNG Invites You to A Free Career Management Conference Call

In a job search? Need new clients? Keeping your options open?

As part of its successful *free career management conference call series, ETP Network is hosting international author & speaker Don Gabor.

He will be discussing his newly released book "How to Turn Small Talk Into BIG Deals"
April 29, 2009 - Session Starts Promptly at 9:00PM EST

Limited Lines for This *FREE Call - So Dial In Early

Click here to RSVP Now *Free

Once you register, scroll to bottom of confirmation email you will receive for conference call access numbers. Limited Space Global Call - So Dial in Early

*Check with your phone carrier. There may be charges based on location time zone.

Special Guest: Don Gabor, is Author of "How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends" and "Turn Small Talk into Big Deals"

About Don
Don Gabor's parents wanted him to be an attorney, but instead he helps professionals from all disciplines grow their revenues by starting profitable conversations with people in business and social situations.

Don also trains executives, managers and staff on how to work more effectively with coworkers and clients. He is the author of the bestseller, How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends, (Fireside/Simon & Schuster) and ten other books and tapes on interpersonal communication skills.

Don's books have been translated into a dozen foreign languages. His forthcoming book, Networking With Style: Strategic Conversations That Turn Small Talk into Big Deals will be published in Japanese by Kodansha in 2008 and by McGraw-Hill in 2009.

Don was a spokesperson for Sprint and Frito-Lay, and is a frequent media guest with over 1000 print, radio and television placements, including "60 Minutes with Andy Rooney." The New Yorker called Don, "a gifted conversationalist." He has been a member of the National Speakers Association since 1991. He founded his company Conversation Arts Media in 1991.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

HPNG March Networking Event photos

Ali Curi, HPNG President interviews guest speaker Mariela Dabbah.

Friday, April 17, 2009

HPNG May Networking Event - May 12th

HPNG May 12th event is live! I'm grilling...uh, interviewing VP of HR for Time Warner Cable, my pal Hector Reyes.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Ali Curi interview with iHispano.com on Latino networking & HPNG

Ali Curi interview with iHispano on Latino networking & HPNG: http://tinyurl.com/ccv5kp
