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The Hispanic Professionals Networking Groups seeks to increase the visibility of Hispanic business professionals by fostering a great unity through networking opportunities. NEW YORK * MIAMI

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Social Media Election

Anyone with a Facebook or Twitter account has probably noticed an increase in the number of political postings over the past few years. This is due, in part, to the explosive rise in social media outlets and users. But voters are not the only people who use social media; among politicians, 9 out of 10 Senators and Representatives have Twitter accounts. However, many are starting to wonder if social media is becoming less a reporter of political races and more of a predictor of the results. In 

Senate races, the candidate with more Facebook friends than his or her opponent has won 81% of the time. And one email sent to 60 million Facebook users prompted an additional 340,000 people to vote in the 2010 election. This infographic illustrates just how politics and social media are affecting each other. 

Social Media Election

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

HPNG Latino Leaders Networking Event Invitation - November 15th in New York

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

You’re invited to the HPNG Latino Leaders Networking Event on November 15th in New York.

A few years ago an HPNG member introduced me to a young man who had just arrived in New York from the mid-West. He embodied the adventurous spirit of those who journey to the Big Apple with big dreams and big ambitions. I was glad to share some advice and make some introductions, but what he achieved in the next few years would change the Latino social media landscape in a way nobody could have imagined.

Please join us as we proudly welcome:

Mr. Lance Rios
President & Founder
Being Latino

Lancio (Lance) Antonio Rios grew up on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. Lance’s long-time interest in Latino cultures and communities spiked when he accepted an internship in the South Bronx in New York. After witnessing the diversity of the Latino culture in the area, he realized that he found a community seeking a platform to bring them together. Through finessing his skillset in Hispanic sales and marketing at MTV tr3s, VME, and VEVO.com, he decided to take his concept and company, Being Latino, to another level.

Since its launch in May of 2009, Being Latino has experienced exponential growth with support from Latinos who care about discussing history, culture, entertainment and social issues. Being Latino has organically harnessed over 80,000 fans with an additional 170+ Latino-based fan pages on Facebook, a tremendous following on Twitter and its own YouTube channel with a reach of over 200,000 people, all launched with no startup funds. Lance is also a partner and shareholder of Hispanicize and Latina Mom Bloggers, two leading companies in the Latino social media space.

Their new website, www.BeingLatino.us, is a nationally recognized, engaging, community targeted brand, serving a demographic of English-dominant, bilingual Latinos. In addition, their new venture DigiBunch, is a company dedicated entirely to social media video production and distribution.

Having received many awards for his innovative creations, Lance Rios has turned Being Latino into a nationally recognized leader within the Latino Social Media space.

Don't miss it, I'll see you there!

- Ali

Ali T. Curi
New York | Miami | Chicago

Elmo @ The Lounge
156 7th Avenue
(btwn. 19th & 20th Sts.)
New York, NY

6:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Registration & Networking
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Guest Interview and Q&A with Audience
8:00 - 8:45 p.m. - More Networking

- $25.00 pre-register at http://tinyurl.com/HPNG-Nov15-2012
- $35.00 at the door

* Appetizers compliments of HPNG

THANKS TO OUR MEDIA PARTNERS: ETPNetwork.com, NocheLatina.com, LatinTrends.com, CafeMagazine.com, NSHMBA.org/newyork, hispaniceventsusa.com, UnitedLatinoProfessionals.org

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