Star Wars, The Dip and The Mothman
I was watching the Star Wars special on the History Channel (yup, big nerd) and they talked about the Jedi masters and how important the mentorship was to their padawans. It occurred to me that Latino mentorship is not something that gets discussed much. Sure it gets talked about a little, but maybe not enough. HPNG will add that to its arsenal of tools to offer Latino professionals (more on that soon).
Also, Seth Godin was presenting his new book The Dip at a live seminar on Tuesday, which I attended (yup, SUPER big nerd). I do love all things Seth. His books, his blogs, his advice and insight. Hmmm...kinda like a Jedi Master...
Here's the cool thing about The Dip. I got 5 books with my admission. Yes, 5. Since Seth signed one to me, I will give away the other four (which is the point of getting 4 additional books, that Seth is genius I tell you). Send me an email if you'd like to get one or put a post on the HPNG forum that you'd like one and how to reach you.
And speaking of Jedi Masters, Leslie Sanchez was in town last week to speak to the ladies of ALPFA. Great event, great people and of course a great delivery from our favorite Republican. (is she the only Latin Republican?) She and I ditched work the next day to frolick in the W. Village and that's where I met the Mothman. Jeff Rudell (former Martha Stewart Apprentice participant) told me the great story of the storytellers, The Moths.
And speaking of stories, I can only imagine that ones that will surface on Friday after the HPNG May Networking Event and 4 Year Anniversary Party. We are waaaaay over capacity, but hey, the more the merrier right?? See you then!